Greg Schoen

Interested in PHP, Data Security, Encryption and Minecraft. He can be found on , Github and StackOverflow.

Midwinter Twitter Notifier

Several people asked me about the notifier and how to get it all working. It seems like a bunch of people are still unawares of The Twitter and how it all works. Hopefully this documentation will fix all that.

If you already know what this is all about, go ahead and follow @MidwinterLARP on Twitter.

What is the notifier?

The notifier is a script that I wrote up that will run during the event and will send out a Twitter notifications when events are about to start and possibly other important information as well.

A sample of the notifications that will go out:

“11:00pm - Gangrel [$room] and Setite [$room] Meetings”

The reason this is useful is that Twitter allows you set up your phone to recieve tweets as text messages for specific people by turning on device notifications.

How do I get set up?

Who did this?

The guy behind the Twitter curtain is @gregschoen